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It's the Business Owners job to bring customers into the pipeline, right?

The purpose of prospecting is to keep your pipeline so full, so abundant, so loaded up with opportunities that you're going to create an economy regardless of what's going on out there. You don't want to be dependent upon that economy.

You want to create your own economy because your own efforts, your own investments, and because that pipeline is chockablock full with opportunities, people, prospects. You get it?

Look, you got to have numbers of people.

You have to have quantity to be successful at anything, whether it's selling books, selling automobiles, furniture, selling online. Look, you’ve got to have a full pipeline. Industries that are dependent like traditional retail is dependent on a brick and mortar setup, where you're waiting on traffic and management responsible for creating traffic, don't fall into this trap of, “Oh my gosh, I hope somebody shows up today.”

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That's why malls are failing all over the country because I got to go there, I got to park, I got to get out, I got to walk in, I got to find your store. If I could generate my own opportunities and my own traffic, I'm going to be much more valuable to the company, number one. Number two, I'm going to be independent of the economy.

If the company drives opportunities to the store or to you, look, you just sit there, wait on them, and sell them, you become dependent, a slave to the company. On the other hand, when I generate my own traffic, generate my own opportunity to bring people in asking for me, the company becomes dependent upon me. Isn't that what you want? You want to be dependent upon them or you want them dependent upon you? I know what I want… I want the company I work for to be dependent upon me, to value me more than the money they're giving me.

How can you do that?

One way. I guess one way. One way is this. Generate your own traffic. Generate your own opportunities. You cannot, you cannot be successful without learning how to prospect; and unfortunately most salespeople never, ever embrace this skill and learn it. You cannot create your own economy without prospecting successfully. What I mean is fill the pipeline.

If you look at the richest people in this planet, their pipeline's not that big because if your pipeline's this big and it's full, it's just that big and it’s full. The wealthiest, most successful companies and people in this planet have pipelines that are gigantic and loaded with opportunities. Contacts.

A contact only becomes a contract when there's an R added; and the R stands for relationship. Your job as an individual is to create the relationship, the prospect, regardless of whether you sell a product, a service, or whether you're in—whatever business you're in, understand this: You’re in the people business.

People need people. Businesses need people. You need traffic opportunities. You need people interested in you. You need people talking about you. You need people coming to see you. You need people to go see. Look, prospecting, filling your pipeline—short of closing the sale, short of closing the sale—is the most valuable skill you will ever develop.

The truth is this, if you're a great closer and don't have a prospect, you got nobody to close.

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