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Hi, I'm Justin.

I have personally sold mattresses, washers, dryers, ovens, refrigerators, clothes, motorcycles, ATV’s, jet ski’s, life insurance, banking products, home & auto insurance, debt recovery service, organized & sold products at social events, and even tried my hand at recruiting truck drivers.

I have NEVER experienced business training as impactful and realistic as Cardone University.

Beyond selling a product or service, Cardone University is useful in ANY situation where agreement is needed. If I need a path to get my money right, get motivated, stay committed and help others, Cardone University is the place to be. Cardone University has helped me go from minimum wage to six figures… and now, I get to help others SUPER BOOST their abilities to make more money!

What is Cardone University?

Cardone University is the premier resource for getting what you want in life. The Committed Salesman helps people win with Cardone University sales training through implementation… actual application of the training. Some common misconceptions about Cardone University and sales training in general are:

  1. Costs a lot of money
  2. Takes too much time
  3. Really doesn't work

Commit to the Income, Not the Problem.

– Grant Cardone

There are so many ways to get involved with Cardone University and really, it is a lot of money… unless you are someone that is looking to be smooth & confident with closing deals or someone that knows they need to make more money and the best way is to get good, like really really good… even GREAT. For those folks, they are so committed to the income and not the problem, that the cost of Cardone University is RIDICULOUSLY low.

So How Much Does Cardone University Cost?

$4,500 per year for the Individual Cardone University. For an Individual, not groups or businesses. That's about $12 per day…. how much do you make in a day? If The Committed Salesman could help you increase your income by 30% in 90 days with Cardone University… would $12 per day be “too expensive”? Seems to me that $4,500 for an ENTIRE YEAR to super boost your income is about the smartest investment you can make in yourself.

Unless you are a Business Owner, looking to get all their folks on the same page and selling like clockwork with dedicated support, then there are several different options… completely tailored to your staffing situation. The price? That's up to you! Your choice depending on what your goals are.

The Business Owner might say, “ok, but what is the price range for this…?” Sure! Starts at $895 minimum monthly billing for a 12 month commitment. That will give 3 of your staff full unlimited access to the Corporate Cardone University for those 12 months. Most folks go with the 36 month contract because it almost doubles the amount of staff that will have access for the same price.

Need more? The Corporate Cardone University is designed to have an UNLIMITED amount of user capacity to keep up with the growth of your business and desire to take it to the next level. Adding users is super simple… just give me a call, text or email and I'll take care of it.

Send me a message at Business@TheCommittedSalesman.com and I will give you all the information I possibly can, with no obligation or cost on your part. You can't make a decision without information, so I give that freely.

Click the BLUE button above to get a free demonstration of Cardone University!

If you like what you see, we'll get you started.

How Much Time Does it Take to Use Cardone University?

Less than 15 minutes per day. Unless you want to be a super-star, then maybe two 15 minute sessions per day. Of course, you can spend all day & night training if you want… you have on-demand access via smartphone, tablet or computer to ALL the content 24 hours a day… meaning anytime you want, where you want. Got a deal going and need a quick answer or word track to use, Cardone University is in the palm of your hand with a “Pick Your Problem” feature… it's amazing!

Does Cardone University Really Work?

Yes. Absolutely. Without a doubt. 100%. 365 days per year, except for leap years… then it works 366 days for that year. Besides thousands of reviews on the internet and hundreds of users in the Facebook groups and in the Mentoring program, I personally have had so many wins using the training from Cardone University that I cannot deny the power of the training.

Discounting price.

Prime example of how Cardone University really works. As a newbie selling motorcycles and other motorsport vehicles, I made a decision right before starting my third month on the job…

  • I will be better than price.
  • I will provide so much value that price doesn't matter.
  • I will not give away money because I don't know what else to do.

Cardone University was my “go to” resource every-single-day, multiple times throughout the day. I ended that month without negotiating on price alone and giving away discounts. Our minimum commission per unit was $50… in one deal I made $949 without giving any discounts, even though the customer asked for discounts multiple times. At the close, I had provided so much value, the customer said the deal had been such an awesome experience, he agreed to pay the price I asked for.

I did it. I accomplished my goal of not discounting price for the entire month. But this was only because of the training I was getting in Cardone University… it has the answers.

Be Great! Nothing else pays, much.

– Grant Cardone

How to get started with Cardone University

Getting started in Cardone University is SUPER EASY… just let me know. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Email, Zoom Call… your choice in how you'd like to send me a message. I will be there every step of the way, even after. If you need help, have a question, want some direction, need some motivation… reach out to me, I am committed to helping you WIN.

You can email me at: Business@TheCommittedSalesman.com

and say…

  • I want more info on this!
  • I want more money!
  • I want to be GREAT!
  • I want my business to BLOW UP in the next 90 days.

Or simply click the BLUE button.

Tips for Success in Cardone University

Here's some quick tips on how to be successful with Cardone University. Remember, if one of these tips is making you think, “what does he mean by that?”, “how do I do that?” – just send me a quick message!

  • Make a decision. Do you want to make more money? Will money help you escape your current situation or help you achieve your goals? If yes to any of these, let me know.
  • Don't try to plan it all out, just dive in. You'll easily figure out the plan once you start training.
  • Get consistent with the training, every day.
  • Use the Facebook group, get involved, get known.
  • There's a search function in Cardone University… it is a very powerful tool, give it a try.
  • There are Sales Rallies every day of the week, included with Cardone University. These are live opportunities for you to ask questions and get real-time answers or just role play with top earners from Grant Cardones team.

How can Cardone University help me if I am not in sales?

Not everyone thinks they are in sales, but would you like to have a raise or a promotion at where you work? Do you manage teams or maybe a few folks that look to you for motivation and guidance? Are you around people (or maybe this is you) that could just use an opportunity to make more money?

Cardone University is the place to be if you want to learn how to get what you want in life. If you need to convince someone, get agreement or maybe get your ideas heard… Cardone University will train you in how to do that and more.

How can Cardone University help if I am in sales?

Here's a sampling of what Cardone University gives you… does any of this sound useful?

  • Handling Objections – handle any objection
  • Pick Your Problem – quick, easy way to get the answer you need
  • Follow up program that covers 365 days
  • An explosive and complete curriculum of sales basics, techniques, and strategies that will give you a full education of professional sales in today's market.
  • Understanding why people buy your product will help you develop effective sales and marketing messages.
  • A full knowledge of The Sales Process is the cornerstone of a successful sales career. This step by step breakdown gives you the exact mechanics and precise actions to take.
  • Modern day technology for understanding and executing the close.
  • Here you will find the most effective and complete course ever to be delivered on the close of the sale. Enclosed are complete theory courses and over 120 closes to make you an expert closer.
  • What are you going to do to maximize every incoming phone call opportunity you are presented with? These modules contain powerful information on how to professionally and effectively handle phone inquiries. Mastering the phone will ensure your ability to provide information, obtain an appointment, and sell.
  • Customer Service is key. Competition is very high and we must place our best foot forward at all times. Learn ways to understand and treat our customers.
  • Cutting edge strategies to obtain and develop leads to ensure you can grow YOUR business in any economy.
  • Learning how to Follow-Up is the fine art of converting those “walkout” customers into “be-backs” and ultimately sold customers. Don't give up, follow-up on unsold customers!
  • Being able to cold call will take you from average to elite regardless of what industry you're in. Learn the importance and strategies of cold calling to Master the Cold Call and take yourself to the next level.
  • Get Motivated!!! Flip your switch to ignite your fire and get moving towards your dreams!
  • In researching successful people, Grant Cardone discovered they had certain important qualities in common. Further, the most highly accomplished have a common way of operating in life and in business. He will share with you the 64 traits that will get you to the top of your game.
  • Learn the importance of timely responses when it comes to following up online leads—How you handle the interaction is critical.
  • Becoming successful selling is one thing, knowing how to make good decisions with all the money you are going to make is something completely different.

Want a free demonstration – a sneak peek inside Cardone University?

Click the BLUE button above to get a free demonstration of Cardone University!

If you like what you see, we'll get you started.

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Cardone University

Sales Training

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